I am including several important dates and special events in this blog post so you can make your plans and reserve these dates...please read through so you do not miss this month's exciting calendar of events!
Monday, June 11, 2007 - United Churches and Religions For Healing Info and Orientation Sessions at 12:00 and 7:00 pm - register at www.unitedforhealing.com
June 17-24 - Speaking Tour in Florida - Details and locations at www.powerofmyway.com/home/speakingengagements.html
June 21, 2007: 7:30-9:00 PM EDT and July 12, 2007: 7:00-9:00 PM
Join me and the incredible panel (including "Conversations With God" author, Neale Donald Walsch) for the dialogue about the Inner Peace Treaty - Get the details and access to your own Inner Peace Treaty at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars/innerpeacedialogue.html
July 2, 2007 A Special Power of Our Way Community Call-n Program at www.powerofourway.com - 6 weeks through Truth, Forgiveness, Healing, Peace and Power
July 2, 2007 we begin the next Intro to Developing a Thriving Soul Based Biz at www.enlightenedbiz.com
July 5th and 11th - Discover Your Strengths Assessment and Group Debriefs - Identify and leverage your greatest strengths and plan for your development - register at www.powerofmyway.com/coaching/soulbasedbiz.html
And, don't forget to access this free audio - You Decide...Baby Steps, a Journey Back in Time at http://www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars/youdecide.html
I'll be in touch with the new dates for Frank MacEowen's Intimate Dialogue as soon as it is re-scheduled!
For those of you beginning "The Power of Our Way" with us in July as part of www.unitedforhealing.com please order your discounted books at www.unitedforhealing.com by June 14th to ensure on time delivery!
Please feel free to pass along these invitations and enjoy your weekend...
Namaste, Anita