In my 25 years of serving human potential in various forms, I have come to know the source of of all obstacles to creation and attraction.
On a fundamental level, it is a disconnection from one's Divinity...the connection to self, source and others.
This one simple truth; reconnecting with your Divinity, your magnificence, your unique infusion of gifts, talents, passions, purpose (yes...the REASON you have incarnated on the planet at this time) is what elevates your energy, faith and connection to TRUTH...
It is HOW you connect to joy and bliss - the emotions of attraction and intentional co-creation.
It is WHERE you go for strength and faith.
It is WHY you are here.
It is WHEN you discover how easy and effortless it is to open to your higher path and the abundance that follows.
It is WHAT opens you to the power of your own creations, allows you to uncover the Power of Your Way and enables you to see what is fettering you to current "reality."
If you are struggling with attraction and manifestation and hitting up against obstacles of fear, lack, worry and doubt, connecting or reconnecting to your DIVINITY is the first step you can take to re-align with the Universal Truth; The Law of Divine Connection.
We are all aspects of SOURCE; the Source of creation, love, compassion, truth, and knowledge. You may call this source God, The Universe, Allah, Jesus, Great Mystery, Spirit, Lord, Ram, Buddha..or any of the hundreds, if not thousands of names we have given this source of all creation and consciousness.
Partnering with your highest self, coming from a place of Truth, aligning in thought, emotion, belief and behavior REQUIRES you to open to and connect with your DIVINITY so as to open to your most authentic expressions of creation in your life.
Connecting with your Divinity enables you to discover how your desires may have been fettered to pictures, fears, expectations, emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are fettered, or attached to your desires.
UNFETTERING YOUR DESIRES will most likely call you and cause you to RELEASE THE PAST and visa versa.
Unfettering Your Desires causes you to shift into an awareness that your DIVINE PURPOSE is how you align with your SOURCE and honor a commitment you made, a request you made to come to this lifetime with a specific purpose.
There is a reason your were born, unfortunately, most of us forget by the time we gain the ability to language our thoughts.
On some level, we are socialized out of this connection to the Universe, and develop what I have come to call Spiritual Amnesia.
1. Reconnect With Your Divinity
Understanding and acknowledging your connection to Source and your inherent Divinity is what opens you to a greater understanding, a knowing of your higher Truth. Know this and know joy and bliss, that simple. Love yourself in the totality of your being. Aligning ego, personality and soul is the greatest opportunity you have to discovering the power you possess to transform everything...
Resource: Visit and watch and listen until you believe this Divine message to your core. The two disc CD set (or download), Awakenings, which includes Divinity as one of the supporting meditations in your Awakening and Integrative experience, is available at
2. Release the Past
Most of the past does not serve you, at least not until you can look back and celebrate, with gratitude, EVERYTHING as a gift, a blessing on your pre-chosen path of spiritual growth and evolution.
As a "spiritual being experiencing the human and physical plane" we slowly forget the bigger reasons for our births into this existence. We forget the requests, agreements and commitments we made before we were born.
We forget that we are loved and adored regardless of what is showing up on the physical plane and we forget that we are here to experience growth through the blessing of free will. YES! We get to choose how we experience this lifetime, regardless of whether we perceive our experiences as blessings or curses, we choose that perception and underlying beliefs (albeit sometimes unconsciously).
You came here to become more conscious, more aware of your power. The experiences you have had over your lifetime only serve that purpose if we can look back through eyes of gratitude for the blessings and miracles that come through both joy and pain, bliss and confusion, lightness and darkness, "good" or "bad" (this very human tendency to label everything as either good or bad is also a source of great pain and moves us into illusionary thinking, thus preventing us from seeing the gifts in even our saddest and darkest experiences).
Resource: The new Releasing the Past Daytime and Nighttime Hypnosis CD's will transform your subconscious (your library of experiences and beliefs...real and false...that influence EVERYTHING!) and bring your being into alignment with the source of creation - preview Releasing the Past and read testimonials at
3. Awaken to Your Purpose
Each of us is here for a reason. You were chosen to be here at this time (and you chose to incarnate) to be a vehicle for fostering goodness and wholeness and to support one another in the discovery of our greatest potential as individuals and as a human race. It is our responsibility to discover our passions, gifts and purposes and to find the most authentic expressions that enable us to share our purpose, passions, gifts and talents with others.
This is where we find our deepest sense of meaning. This is where we tap into our true power. Being an expression of one’s purpose enables us to make higher level decisions - choices that support the principles of continuous evolution and creation. Living a life of purpose is the path to joy and fulfillment.
Until you find your highest purpose, simply decide what impact you want to have on the people around you and behave in ways that are aligned with that wish.
Resources: Access a free audio at and join me in April for a six week program called Awakening to Purpose at or
4. Live the Power of Your Way - Every Day, in Every Way
Once reconnected and free of the self imposed burdens of your perceptions and non-serving beliefs, you can step into the unlimited potential that exists when you choose to live The Power of YOUR Way; a life defined and directed by your unique passions, purposes and authentic expressions.
When enough of us are centered in this, we collectively join into a vision and commitment to live The Power of OUR Way and we transform the collective consciousness, abolishing the dangerous spiritual myth of separation.
Resources: and the transformational book, "The Power of Our Way; A Path to a Collective Consciousness" with a foreword by bestselling author and featured teacher in "the Secret," Dr. Joe Vitale - also available at
5. Unfetter Your Desires (and Unleash Your Dreams)
Unfettering your desires is akin to releasing the OBSTACLE ILLUSIONS that are tethered to your your dreams. This process enables you to get to the core essence of your creative callings and takes some courage and honesty (don't worry, you are supported by the Universe and your guides every step of the way.) Unfettering heals wounds in your heart, mind and spirit that cause you to "leak" much needed energy; energy to heal, create and transform.
Resource: Listen to Aligning With the Mastermind and Unfettering Your Desires, Unleashing Your Dreams by subscribing at
Be Peace, See Peace, Know Peace,
Namaste, Anita