Today is September 1, 2006 and we are beginning the second month of the Peace Experiment - now officially named the PEACE EXPERIENCE (thanks Kaimera for nudging me to rename it!)
A lot of amazing movement has occurred over the last 31 days...thwarted attacks, cease fires, and lots of bridge building.
If you have been following along, you have witnessed Peace Experiencers from Israel, Lebanon and Palestine connecting to one another through the Peace Experience.
There are personal stories too. Your Fellow EXPERIENCERS have written to share stories of repaired relationships, profound forgiveness and a deeper sense of who they are and who they want to be.
Traveling to your INKNOWN WISDOM leads to an immediate sense of connection - a tangible, joyful knowledge that you are part of something bigger, connected to every single person around the world at the soul level.
And so we begin our new cycle with TRUTH and CONNECTION.
What is it that you know to be truth?
Are you willing to explore your TRUTH?
Are you willing to explore your UNTRUTHS?
To be a Peace Builder we start with ourselves - and miracles happen. Our inner world always manifests in the outer world - in some form or fashion.
Walk in Beauty and Compassion this month with me...
Join the Peace Experience and get my book for FREE at
Listen to a recent interview I did at
And, to learn more about some other organizations who are supporting this movement, visit
Be Peace, Know Peace, See Peace, Anita