One of the biggest hindrances of connecting via the internet is that a lot of our communication regarding the Peace Experiment is being lost in virtual junk email boxes, so I hope to reach you via the blog.
I am writing to you today to ask that you help us in both intention and action in building some more momentum for the Power of Our Way Peace Experiment.
There are many schools of thought regarding the magic number needed to truly create a massive shift in consciousness.
80,000? 100,000? I see different numbers that are identified as the “tipping point” for creating a shift.
Last January, I began to do some research on what people were searching for – at least on the internet. What I learned was shocking and quite sad.
The fact of the matter is that on average, 134,743 people a day plug in the keyword God, yet 2,346,393 people per day conduct a search on Britney Spears!
4,713,400 people a day search the word Porn, and only 27,753 people a day search the word Spirituality.
People who Google “higher calling”?
A whopping 106 people a day globally.
Even Paris Hilton yields well over 1,148,763 searches a day while only 9,727 people a day are asking the question “What is the meaning of life?”
On average, each day, only 3,484 are searching for “world peace.”
What does all of this have to do with the Peace Experiment, you ask?
We need to grow in numbers – we need to build a strong, active group of people who are willing and interested in doing this work and supporting the intention of raising consciousness on the planet.
I don’t use the words “need” or “should” very often, yet, today, I am reaching out for some additional support.
The truth of the matter is that if I had put out an email offering a “free get rich quick eBook” or had invited people to obtain some free obscene pictures, we would probably be at over a million.
Although it is impressive that we have over 53 countries represented in the Peace Experiment, and of course this is traveling completely by “word of mouth,” as a community, I am wondering how we can join together to get more people interested and on board.
I see the potential of our work together. I believe we can and will make a difference. It is already happening; I am receiving emails everyday from people who are experiencing personal shifts and transformation.
And, as a collective, let’s, “Take it up a notch.”
Invite your friends and family. Post comments on the blog at
In the spirit of Day 11, Energy, let’s bring a higher energy to the vision.
This morning, as I was reading and meditating on Day 11, “Energy” what I got was “I am tired.”
I am blessed, yet I am tired. I am grateful, yet, I am tired. It was a new response from me on Day 11. And I wondered why…”Why am I feeling so tired?”
The last few sentences in today’s reading say, “It is my mission today to be an instrument of peace. It is my mission today to touch the souls of the collective consciousness – one soul at a time, one action at a time – and to enhance the value of the human experience.”
And so today, I reach out for your assistance in delivering on this mission.
I just can’t do it alone.
None of us can.
That is why we are here together.
Let’s say we have a base of 600 people in the first phase of our Peace Experiment.
If each of us gets 10 people to join, we grow by 6000.
If those 6,000 get ten people to join, we grow by 60,000.
If those 60,000 get 10 people to join, we grow again by 600,000.
Keep going and look at what can literally happen over the next few weeks!
So, today, I reach out with two simple requests. One is to visualize the exponential impact we could have when we begin multiplying by 10.
The second is to share this vision with people you know.
It is doable. It is possible. We can do it – together – and one tiny seed of hope and possibility, one dream to create a powerful, positive connection amongst people from all corners of the world, can and will have an impact.
It all begins with us.
We don’t have the luxury of time.
We don’t have the media or celebrities, or CNN supporting this effort.
We don’t have financial supporters or large coalitions of influential organizations spreading the word.
We ARE the mustard seed…and the Vision of Peace is the Mountain.
As it is said in the book of Mathew, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
And together, we can grow this into an unstoppable ENERGY of faith and healing.
We can move the mountain of despair and violence into our history and see the truth that is waiting to be seen on the horizon.
And, it’s simple. Invite everyone you know to join us at
Sure, some won’t be interested.
But a few will resonate with the intention. And then a few more, and a few more, and together we can build the foundation for a new tomorrow.
All great things begin with an idea, a thought, a vision. And while it may be born in one, it only grows through the collective efforts and belief of others.
And as our numbers grow, so does the collective ENERGY of faith, hope and healing intention.
So before you go to the pool today, or leave for your vacation, or for many of you, before you walk to the market and hope to return home safely, before you turn on your TV, or take your kids to a movie. Before you get your hair done, or pop open a beer at the end of today.
Before you give up hope, or get paralyzed in your own worries, before you fight with your husband, or worry about how you are going to pay the bills or afford to get your car fixed.
Before you lie down in your bed tonight, or complain about the lousy week you had – just invite in the energy of this larger vision.
And give thought to the millions of people that do not live in safety, let alone have a computer in their home and food to eat tonight.
And I ask you to come not from an energy of guilt, or fear, or shame, but from an energy of faith, love and connection.
In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Let’s have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."
600 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 600,000
Do you see the power you can bring to the Power of Our Way Peace Experiment?
And a Buddhist prayer…
Let your love flow outward through the universe,
to its height, its depth, its broad extent,
a limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk,
Sit or lie down,
As long as you are awake,
strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
your life will bring heaven to earth.
~Sutra Piñata
And a Sikh Prayer…
God adjudges us according to our deeds, not the coat that we wear;
that truth is above everything, but higher still is truthful living. Know that
we attain God when we love, and only that victory endures in consequence of which no one is defeated.
A Native American Prayer…
Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to the entire world, hear me. I come before You, one of Your children, I am small and weak. I need Your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things You have made, my ears sharp to hear Your voice. Make me wise, so that I may know the things. You have taught my people, the lesson You have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers, but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, myself. Make me ever ready to come to You, with clean hands and straight eyes, so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come to You without shame.
Yellow Hawk, Sioux Chief
A Muslim Prayer…
In the name of Allah the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of
the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations that
we may know each other, not that we may despise each other. If the enemy inclines towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, most Gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say "PEACE".
And a Jewish Prayer…
Intolerance lies at the core of evil.
Not the intolerance that results
from any threat or danger.
But intolerance of another being who dares to exist.
Intolerance without cause.
It is so deep within us,
because every human being secretly desires
the entire universe to himself.
Our only way out is to learn
compassion without cause.
To care for each other
simply because that 'other' exists.
- Rabbi Menachem Mendle
I must say that this post disturbed me. So much so that I had to blog about it myself!!
I'm honored to be a part of this community and know that we continue to make a difference even when it isn't always apparent. Continue to shine your light for Peace my friends.
The famous line from the movie, Field of Dreams.."if you build it, they will come."
Spreading peace, Lisa
Posted by: Lisa | August 12, 2006 at 05:12 PM