What exactly is a “Conscious Dialogue?” Consciousness, simply defined, is our current state or level of awareness, thinking, and believing. We adopt beliefs, states of consciousness, thoughts, and varying levels of understanding about how we function and operate in the world.
Our intention, awareness, belief, and the energy we emit on a conscious level all possess the potential for negative and positive impact. I believe that the key to creating higher consciousness lies in the questions we ask ourselves, the level of curiosity and inquiry we are willing to live in, and in our abilities to discern truth for ourselves without discounting truth for others.
It is often a challenging journey--this quest for truth--so challenging in fact that we may only uncover one layer at a time and often are guided by unconscious forces to explore the relationships and connections with ourselves, our higher power, and others—the paths to joining a collective consciousness that serves the highest good of all.
So, for example, when I am fully conscious to the fact that my energy, intentions, attitudes, actions, and words can influence people in both a positive or negative way; in other words, I am aware that I impact others, I can choose the impact I want to have and then remain conscious and aware of the words I am using, the tone of my voice, my facial expressions, and the energy I am emitting.
To dialogue is to engage in a conversation with two or more people that sparks an exchange of thoughts and ideas. A true dialogue is collaborative and synergistic, as opposed to one sided or highly defined by proving another person’s opinion or point of view as “wrong” or “not as right as my point of view.”
When we engage in a Conscious Dialogue, we are more present, curious, and interested in all contributions to the conversation. There is a layering effect that often occurs where the conversation is continually added to or enhanced by adding ideas or concepts in such a way that each layer enhances the exchange. It is not about wining or losing, but rather listening, understanding, sharing and contributing.
Conscious Dialogues, therefore, in my opinion, tend to delve into deeper, more soul level conversations. People express their truth as they understand it and are often more open to having their mind change. When we engage in conscious dialogues we are more able to explore the gray areas. There is less polarization, less right and wrong, right or left, black or white.
When engaged in Conscious Dialogue, we get to the soul and move beyond the personality. We explore the heart and the mind. We experience one another’s essence; the quality or nature of a person that makes them who they are.
On April 10, 2006 Power of Our Way hosted Part I of an ongoing dialogue about “Raising Consciousness and Building Bridges of Higher Understanding” within self, in relationships, in business and leadership, and across cultures and religions. Our illustrious panel is highlighted at www.powerofourway.com/consciousdialogues.html and to get a taste, you can listen to the first hour of this dialogue by pushing the arrow below.
Hope to see you tonight when we are joined by bestselling author and leadership mentor, Dr. Lance Secretan, collective wisdom expert, Robert Kenny, interfaith communications expert and T.V. host and producer, Richard Landau, award winning author and transformational specialist, Alan Seale, and team and leadership change catalyst, Amy Skolen.
Enjoy the dialogue!
Namasté, Anita